Montclair High School Race Amity Club

During the 2023-2024 academic year, students at Montclair High School in Montclair, NJ started a Race Amity Club. The Race Amity Club aims to bring students of different racial and cultural backgrounds together and create a space to share, connect, reflect, and create with one another.
About the Club

Our purpose is to build understanding across students of various cultural and racial backgrounds through creating spaces to explore what brings us together and what keeps us apart, through shared community service, artistic expression, and learning through one another's experiences to promote equity, social justice, and unity. As a club, we are eager to find engaging ways to put our reflection into action and make an impact, though we may be small.
This club offers unique opportunities for students to learn about and connect with students from diverse backgrounds through storytelling, artistic expression, friendship, and service. Our club also works towards contributing to the annual Montclair Race Amity Day, an event on the second Sunday in June that celebrates unity in our diversity and brings people of all ages together to enjoy music, food, arts & crafts, and spoken word.