Race Amity Day 2021-2023

In 2021, the first Montclair Race Amity Day event took place in Nishuane Park by the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. monument. Stories were told from U.S. and Montclair history about people of different races forging friendships and working together for equity, social justice, and race unity. Lasting connections were made. Since then, a small interracial, intergenerational group of like-minded people have met monthly to forge friendships, and to undertake collaborative efforts in the spirit of race amity. That group has become the Montclair Race Amity Initiative.
Since the first Race Amity day in 2021, the township of Montclair has designated the second Sunday of June as Montclair Race Amity Day.
Click the arrows to view the Montclair Race Amity Day June 2023 Program, or click here to view the pdf!