The texts below are a collection of uplifting poetry, speeches, and remarks from well-known authors, community and religious leaders, students, and Montclair community members. These have been read at Montclair Race Amity Day events, and guide and inspire us towards the vision of race amity.
Spoken Word
Friends of Howe House Speech 2023 - Ollie Hartsfield
A speech given by Ollie Hartsfield on the 60th Anniversary of March on Washington Event by Friends of Howe House.
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Spoken Word from Race Amity Day 2022
The following texts demonstrate examples of interracial cooperation in service to community and nation. Let us put into action these powerful testimonies of race amity.
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Race Amity 2021 Vignettes
The following vignettes draw from the history of the United States and from Montclair to demonstrate examples of interracial cooperation in service to community.
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